Dynamic Table of Contexts
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Dynamic Table of Contexts
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Dynamic Table of Contexts
The Dynamic Table of Contexts (DToC) viewer is an in-browser e-reader that uses the underlying structure of a document to allow different paths through the text to be discovered when read. The corpus may be navigated via semantic tags, the index (if present), or the search function. DToC allows readers to "curate" the text they are reading by permitting the customization of tags, even if the text being "read" is not their own.
DToC Commons "configures" one or more files encoded using the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) guidelines, so that the editor can then "curate" the semantic tags in the file(s). Furthermore, by pointing to an index file, the editor can produce an interactive edition that reveals conceptual information as well as semantic content from within the text. The editor can also share the DToC with others, who can then curate the edition to pursue their own readings of the text. When creating a new DToC, the editor opens the "Input Configuration Form" to enter metadata including URL(s) where the TEI-XML file(s) are hosted (we recommend GitHub for this purpose). The "Corpus Parts" section of the form requires the editor to add information in X-Path format so that the tool can properly structure the edition. For step-by-step instructions on how to add this information see DToC Step-by-Step Tutorial. Those interested in learning more about X-Path should look at W3 school's tutorial. Tag curation is managed within the DToC environment, and work is saved in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file. The .json file can be hosted online or downloaded to the desktop. Because the configuration is saved in that .json file, further work on the edition can be done by re-uploading the .json file from the desktop or via a link to where it is hosted online. DToC never makes any changes to the TEI files, which means that multiple DToC editions can be produced from the same files without changing the materials in any way.